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Vermi Bed

Vermicompost Bed
vermi bed

Vermi Bed

Mipatex Vermi beds are widely used to make vermicompost for organic farming. Compost made from vermicomposting makes the soil & crop utterly free from chemicals and other harmful substances compared to synthetic fertilizers. Vermicompost is a nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer and soil conditioner. Mipatex Vermi beds are a smart choice for organic farming that benefit from the higher yields resulting from vermicompost.
Available in Standard size 12ft x 4ft x 2ft


Mipatex vermi beds are made from high-quality UV stabilized HDPE woven laminated fabrics to ensure durability and more than five years of life. Ventilation net windows maintain moisture and oxygen levels for vermi worm.

UV stabilized
Easy to install
vermi bed
vermi bed
vermi bed